
Shower Sessions Vol. 62 (Eclectic)

// ️C O M M E N T
Thank you for spending your time with me. Please like and subscribe.

Jumbly Music will always support free publicly available music, and will always be hand-picked vibes for you. 
Every Shower Sessions mix is about 20 minutes, so you can enjoy them when you are living your life. 

Please email jumblymusic@gmail.com with any mixtape requests or to have your music shared, or request a mix in the comments. I love you.

// ️T R A C K L I S T
00:00 - 01 - Frank Guerrero - Fui Yo
Album; En Beta 0.1
Notes; http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Frank_Guerrero/En_Beta_01/02_-_Frank_Guerrero_y_su_grupo_Ach_-_Fui_Yo

03:55 - 02 - Cheese N Pot-C - Afterschool Speshul Bonus Beats
Album; Old School My School
Notes; https://archive.org/details/BSMX0110\\https://archive.org/details/BSMX0110

05:34 - 03 - La Isla Futura - Police in the Red Light District
Album; Sleeping In Your Dreams
Notes; http://laislafutura.bandcamp.com

07:44 - 04 - Ikô - Hallu Du
Album; Das Ende der Wissenschaft
Notes; http://www.archive.org/details/Das_Ende_der_Wissenschaft

09:51 - 05 - Bonnie Legion - Godzilla [Feat. Clyde Legion]
Album; Alter Ego
Notes; https://archive.org/details/BonnieLegionAlterEgo

14:43 - 06 - dmyra - The Unreality of Memory
Album; Everywhere is Everywhere [ca369]
Notes; https://archive.org/details/ca369_d

// ️A R T W O R K
AI Generated art Created by @fourtonfish 

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