
Shower Sessions Vol. 58 (Stoner & Space Rock)

// ️D E D I C A T I O N
This mix is dedicated to Owen Lewellyn. Much love. If I can ever match the mood for Solid Air, expect another mix.

// ️C O M M E N T
Thank you for spending your time with me. Please like and subscribe.

Jumbly Music will always support free publicly available music, and will always be hand-picked vibes for you. 
Every Shower Sessions mix is about 20 minutes, so you can enjoy them when you are living your life. 

Please email jumblymusic@gmail.com with any mixtape requests or to have your music shared, or request a mix in the comments. I love you.

// ️T R A C K L I S T
00:00 - 01 - Croak - Beneath
Album; Croak
Notes; https://archive.org/details/siro599Croak-Croak

01:12 - 02 - Howler Toad - Homeless Hero
Album; Lickin' the Toad
Notes; https://archive.org/details/HowlerToad-LickinTheToadHt01

05:28 - 03 - The Naut - Ampbreaker
Album; Yellow CD
Notes; http://archive.org/details/TheNaut_-_YellowCD2004

09:17 - 04 - Drunken Gunmen - We Are Visitors to Your Galaxy
Album; Deep Space, Distant Future
Notes; https://archive.org/details/DGDeepSpaceDistantFuture/

13:20 - 05 - Vpopolam - Dovesok
Album; Gryaznyj Albom
Notes; http://archive.org/details/BSMX0032

14:50 - 06 - Dala Sun - My Girl My Time
Album; Sala Dun
Notes; https://archive.org/details/TFR209-DalaSun-SalaDun/

// ️A R T W O R K
Photo by NASA, ESA, J. Hester and A. Loll (Arizona State University)

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