
Majorka - Self Titled

Band / Artist: Majorka
Year: 2014
Genre: Lo-fi, Indie, Post-Rock, Dark Psychedelic

My Review:
I stumbled across this album while lurking on forums, and listened through it for hours. Majorka is Chris Petry “Petry”on Guitar, Bass, Synth, Vocals, and some Mastering, and Blake Hill “Vulgaris” Vulgaris on Drums and Mastering. I didn't know they were in Beaufort SC, but I'm sad that I never met them while I was in Savannah.

So this is how they describe themselves. 
Majorka is a dark psychedelic band from Beaufort, South Carolina, made up with atmospheric tones and deep lyrics.

I have been loving this album, it was humble and melodic. If I'm gonna try to describe it, I'd say it is reminiscent of the softer parts of the latest 2 Tool albums, as well as a bit of the acoustic, folk sound that I've shared in things like Connor Bird's album, Where Winter Hides. Its a creative mix, and I wholly support you supporting them if you like this, by going to their website a chipping them a buck or two, or buying the physical signed cd.

You can see their website here.

Alright, well I hope you enjoy this as much as I have.

Majorka - Self-Titled